When you have a negative item on your credit report, it is important to dispute it. Early Warning is a consumer reporting agency that helps consumers take control of their information. It is also used by banks to assess the risk potential of new clients.
If you feel that your bank has reported inaccurate information to Early Warning, it is best to file a dispute as soon as possible. The sooner you file a dispute, the more likely it is that the item will be removed from your report. Generally, you can file a dispute within thirty days of receiving the report. However, you should also check to see if you have additional information to provide.

You can also request a copy of your report from the company and dispute any items you find. This will help you determine which errors are actually relevant to your situation.
In many cases, the credit bureaus do not include all of the details you need to dispute an item. To make sure that you have all the information you need, ask for a full explanation of why your report was refused. While a dispute letter is a helpful tool, the truth is that many disputes do not result in a favorable outcome for consumers.
Aside from disputing the information listed on your credit report, you can take legal action to get rid of a false item. For instance, if you think that your credit report includes an inaccurate last activity date, you can sue. Your lawyer can also help you build a timeline of the disputes you have had with the credit bureau.
You can dispute the fact that a bank has reported an incorrect SSN or cash amount. Some common errors include an incorrect name, an outdated address, or an incorrect amount of money. These may be minor in nature, but they can impact your chances of being approved for a loan or credit card.
If you have a credit card or a bank account that you have had issues with, you can try getting your account closed. Many financial institutions will offer second chance accounts, which are usually free.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a law that protects your rights. One of the provisions is that you can request a free credit report every year. Depending on the specific information you are requesting, you may need to pay a small fee.

In addition, you can dispute the fact that your bank has reported an incorrectly reported account closure. Leaving an overdraft balance unpaid or applying for too many accounts in a short time can have a negative effect on your credit history. Similarly, a bouncing check or abusing a debit card can lead to a fraud notation.
Although you can always file a dispute with your bank, you can also file a lawsuit. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to sue the company for fraud notation or for a false reporting.
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash